You can hide inactive Goals from your Goals dashboard by Archiving them. 

Archived Goals are not deleted and can be un-archived to re-appear in the Goals In Progress list.

To Archive a Goal:

  1. Either on your Goals dashboard or from the Users' About Page find the Goal you want to archive
  2. Under the Goal progress bar click the 'Archive this Goal' link
  3. Confirm this in the pop up

To Un-archive (Mark it as In Progress) the Goal use the following steps:

  1. Click on the filter icon and turn on the 'Show Archived' Goals switch, click 'Apply'
  2. You should now see archived Goals in the Goals list. They will appear as greyed out with 'Archived Goal' written next to the name. 
  3. Underneath the Goal progress bar click the 'Mark this Goal as In Progress' link then confirm in the pop up