To stop people from hacking your Multi Me account you must use a secure password to log in.

On Multi Me you can either use a conventional password using characters, such as lower and uppercase letters, numbers or symbols, or create a picture password for Easy log in using at least 3 symbols.

Character password:
Use at least 8 characters. Don't use a password from another site, or something too obvious like your pet's name. 

Picture password:
For an EASY password click on the key symbol to add a picture password. Note: if you want to change your password to a picture password you must log in using your current password and go to your account settings to use the ‘change my  password‘ feature. 

The picture password provides an EASY password system that is also secure. Using the Picture password log in system, press the symbol in order of sequence, e.g. Paw, Binoculars, Star, Star.